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IEEE Aerospace & Electronics Systems Society


Engineering Scholarship Application Form


For studies in Electrical Engineering (Undergraduate) and Systems Engineering (Graduate)


Instructions: Provide statement of financial need, and an essay (1000 to 1,250 words) on why these two fields of study are important in today’s world. Upload to this application as indicated along with 3 letters of reference, two of which must be from current or former professors who have taught you or know you personally.


Eligibility: IEEE student members studying Electrical/Electronics Engineering or Electrical & Computer Engineering at the undergraduate level or first professional degree, and Systems Engineering at the graduate level, from an accredited university, with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.8 (OR 7.5 in select countries) or above.


No relatives of current members of the IEEE Board of Directors, the Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society Governing Board, the IEEE AESS Scholarship Committee, or IEEE staff may be candidates, or may nominate or endorse candidates for this Scholarship.



Graduate Student: Single annual award of $10,000 USD and a certificate

Undergraduate Student: Two annual awards of $10,000 USD and a certificate. Funds will be paid to the school on behalf of the student.


Please select your current level of study from the dropdown below.