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Dr. Moriba Jah is the director of ASTRIA and Technical Advisor of the Satellite Guidance, Navigation, and Control Group at AFRL. He received his B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, Arizona, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering Sciences from the University of Colorado at Boulder specializing in astrodynamics and statistical orbit determination. Before joining AFRL in 2007, he was a spacecraft navigator for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, CA, serving on Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Express (joint mission with ESA), Mars Exploration Rovers, Hayabusa (joint mission with JAXA), and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Dr. Jah is the Chair of the American Astronautical Society’s (AAS) Space Surveillance Technical Committee, and a member of the AIAA Astrodynamics Technical Committee. He is also an AIAA Associate Fellow, IEEE Senior Member, Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronics Systems and Elsevier Information Fusion Journals.