Award/Recognition Menu
To recognize a radar engineer for outstanding achievements due to a major technical advance (or series of advances) in the art of radar engineering. The advance, significant, public, and well known, shall be evidenced by technical papers, inventions, presentations, or products.
Historical Background
Dana White Starr and Warren H. White established the Warren D. White Memorial Fund in 1999 and the Warren D. White Award to memorialize their father.
$2,000, a plaque, and travel expenses. Up to $1,000 to attend the award ceremony can be authorized by the AESS President.
If there are multiple winners, each will receive a plaque and they will equally share the stipend.
Funded by the Warren D. White Memorial Endowment (administered by AESS, managed by IEEE Foundation)
At the IEEE Radar Conference or International Radar Conference (depending on which is held in a particular year)
The nominee shall have made a major technical contribution, or a series of such contributions, to the art of radar engineering. This contribution shall be evidenced to the radar community through technical papers, presentations, inventions, or products. It is expected the nature of the nominee’s contribution shall be so significant its impact will be well-known to the radar community at large, inclusive of the members of the AESS Radar Panel.
An individual may serve as a nominator or reference for only one candidate for the Warren White Award in the year of consideration. If the individual serves in either role for two candidates, the nomination and reference(s) will be removed from consideration.
Please send questions to (Click to show email).
For fundamental and practical contributions to radar waveform design for advanced radar systems.
For contributions to radar signal processing techniques for target detection, waveform design and electronic protection
For contributions to monopulse processing for unresolved objects, tracking of maneuvering targets, and radar resource allocation
for Contributions to Radar Signal Processing and Radar Clutter Modelling and Analysis
For Contributions to Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Radar, Multiple-Function Sensing and Communications Systems, and Novel Small-Scale Radar Applications
For contributions to airborne maritime surveillance radar design and the modelling of radar sea clutter
For contributions to the design, development, and fielding of multi-domain radar, EW, and cyber systems.
For Technical Contributions to the Design, Development, and Fielding of Multiple Advanced Airborne Surveillance Radars
For Contributions To High Resolution Radar System Development, Signal Processing and Applications
For Contributions Towards Developing And Fielding Advanced US Navy Airborne Early Warning Radars
For Fundamental Contributions to Urban Radar and Through the Wall Radar Imaging
For Contributions to Advanced Radar Signal Processing
For Fundamental Contributions to Advanced Radar Signal Processing
For Contributions to Advanced STAP, Bistatic, and OTH Radar
For Contributions to Advanced Radar Systems and Signal Processing
For Contributions to Adaptive Radar Signal Processing
For Significant Innovation in Advanced Radar Signal Processing.
For Significant Contributions to Ultra-Wideband Radar for Ground Penetration and Foliage Penetration Radar
For Excellence in Radar Adaptive Processing and Waveform Diversity