Kumar Vijay Mishra at University of Colorado Boulder
Distinguished Lecturer: Kumar Vijay Mishra
Host: University of Colorado Boulder
Event Date: 8 May 2024
Event Format: Hybrid
Event Summary: Dr. Kumar Vijay Mishra presented the IEEE AESS Distinguished Lecture titled "Signal Processing for Vehicular Joint Radar-Communications" at the University of Colorado Boulder, USA. The event was organized by the CU Boulder's Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering (ECEE) on 08 May 2024. The talk focused on vehicular joint radar-communications theory and applications. The talk was accompanied by a lively and engaging Q&A session between the audience and the speaker. The event lasted for nearly 2 hours and was followed by a tour of the ECEE department's labs and dinner of the ECEE faculty with the speaker.
The event was publicized on the IEEE vTools webpage: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/418683.