Award/Recognition Menu
To recognize significant contributions and outstanding service to the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society.
$2,000 for the awardee and a plaque. In addition, the reimbursement of up to $1,000 to attend the award ceremony can be authorized by the AESS President.
Funded by the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society.
At a convenient IEEE AESS conference.
This award is to recognize an individual who has made significant contributions and outstanding service to the AESS. The recipient must be a current member of the IEEE and AESS and have been a member of the IEEE and AESS for at least the previous 3 calendar years plus the year of the nomination. Current officers and voting members of the AESS Board of Governors are ineligible, as well as are ineligible previous recipients of this award. Self-nominations are not accepted. Members of the AESS Board of Governors are not permitted to submit nominations or reference letters. Eligibility and selection process shall comply with procedures and regulations established in IEEE and Society governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations.
While nominations are considered annually, the award is only given when nominees have significant contributions and outstanding service to IEEE AESS.
For questions, please contact the VP Awards.
No recipient selected for this year
No recipient selected for this year
For extraordinary leadership as Editor-in-Chief by advancing the prestige of the IEEE Transactions of Aerospace and Electronic Systems through proactive measures to reduce review timelines and at the same time measurably improving quality.