Award/Recognition Menu
To provide travel support to enable graduate students who are primary author on a paper in the area of radar signal processing accepted for presentation during the annual IEEE Radar Conference to attend the conference and present their research. The primary author is the student who presents the paper and attends the conference in person. Up to 4% of the prior year fund IEEE Foundation fund balance may be used. Every five years when the International Radar Conference is held in the United States an additional 1% of the prior year fund balance may be used for the same purpose. Support shall be provided in the form of reimbursement after the student has attended and presented their accepted paper.
This is an annual award. Every 5 years it occurs twice in one year (once at the IEEE Radar Conference and once at the IEEE International Radar Conference). Award will be given only if a suitable awardee is identified.
This is a travel grant, not a prize. The donation fund guarantees $5,000 for each year, plus another $1,000 every 5th year when the IEEE International Radar Conference is held in the United States. There will be no prize sharing. This is a pool of money to be shared among recipients chosen at the discretion of the selection committee. The number of recipients is recommended by the Conference Chair and the Technical Program Committee Chair of each conference, so the number of recipients may vary from year to year depending on the number of qualified paper submissions and quality. Final selection is made by the Selection Committee.
Funded by a donation provided by Michael C. Wicks to the IEEE Foundation.
The Award will be presented at the conference in which the recipient paper is being presented.
Selection will be based on paper quality, and distance needed to travel. Since this is a travel grant, the greater the distance, the more likelihood of selection.
Recipients must be a member of IEEE and AESS at the time of nomination and must be a graduate student who is primary author on a paper in the area of radar signal processing accepted for presentation during the annual IEEE Radar Conference, or the IEEE International Radar Conference when held in the United States. The student must attend the conference and present his/her paper in order to receive the award. Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations. Previous award winners are not eligible. Nominations will be made by the Technical Program Committee of each conference in which the paper is submitted. Nominations should comply with IEEE Policies and restrictions on awards. Incidents of misconduct including, but not limited to, violations of IEEE's publication policies, will be strongly considered by the awards committee and may be grounds for denial of an award or leadership position.
For the paper entitled "Design of Convolutional Neural Networks for Classification of Ships from ISAR Images"
For the paper entitled "Target Shape Reconstruction from multi-Perspective Shadows in drone-Borne SAR Systems"
For the paper entitled "Enabling DPCA via Supervised Reciprocal Filter in CW-OFDM Radar Onboard Moving Platforms"
For the paper entitled "A Conformal L-Band Array with Multi-Polarization Digital Beamforming and Sidelobe Suppression"
For the paper entitled “Multi-Band Hybrid Active-Passive Radar Sensor Fusion”
For the paper entitled “Experimental Comparison of Starlink and OneWeb Signals for Passive Radar”
For the paper entitled “Estimation of Electrical Characteristics of Complex Walls Using Deep Neural Networks”
for the paper entitled “Radar Pulse Signal Filtering Using Vertical Synchrosqueezing”
for the paper entitled “Reducing the Computational Complexity of WiFi-Based Passive Radar Processing”
for the paper entitled “Filter-Based Segmentation of Automotive SAR Images”