All AESS Chapters and IEEE Sections are encouraged to take advantage of the AESS Distinguished Lecturer for their regular or special meetings, which allows them to select from an outstanding list of truly distinguished speakers who are experts in the technical fields of the society. The AESS provides travel support for DLs to hold distinguished lectures for IEEE Sections and Chapters. In this case, the AESS can fund the distinguished lecturer to reach the location of the lecture. Typically, this is the cost of the airfare, according to the IEEE travel policies. The remaining local costs such as the hotel, venue, local transport, and meals are covered by the local section or chapter or host. As a general guideline, the speaker’s airfare expenses wholly within North America or within the European Union can be approved up to 1,500 USD. Expenses involving extensive international travel can be approved up to 2,500 USD. Exceptions to these airfare guidelines can be considered on a case-by-case basis. The Society encourages arrangements whereby more than one lecture is presented in a single trip, and costs in such situations will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Non-IEEE entities (such as universities, research organizations, and companies) are also eligible to host a distinguished lecture. The DL can receive travel support from the AESS on the condition that the lecture is open to and advertised to AESS members, using for example vTools. Otherwise, the inviting organization is required to pay 100% of the speaker's expenses as mutually agreed between the speaker and the organization. Speakers should keep the VP Education advised of their Distinguished Lectures by having the host submit a Speaker Request Form.
Process for Requesting a Speaker
The procedure for obtaining a speaker is as follows: If a Chapter or Section has an interest in inviting one of the speakers, it should first contact the speaker directly in order to obtain his or her agreement to give the lecture on a particular date. After this is accomplished, the Chapter or Section must notify the AESS VP Education by sending in a DL Request Form. If financial support from the AESS is required for the speaker’s expenses, he or she must submit an estimate to the AESS VP for Education before actually incurring any expenses. This estimate must be provided at least 45 days before the planned meeting to provide time for feedback from the VP Education and for changes if needed. The VP Education must provide written authorization to proceed.
Distinguished Lecturers are ambassadors of the AESS, who serve as an important demonstration of the value of membership in IEEE and AESS in particular. A short presentation on the benefits of Society membership is available and included in each Distinguished Lecture presentation.
Post-Event Reporting
Post-event reporting is a mandatory requirement for maintaining active status as an AESS Distinguished Lecturer (DL). After each lecture, DLs are required to complete the Post-Event Report Form within 2 weeks of the event.
The report must include details about the talk as well as an event image. Pictures taken at the meeting are highly desirable. All lectures receiving funding will be verified against these submitted reports to ensure compliance with this policy.
Failure to complete the post-event report for funded talks may impact your renewal status as a DL during the review process. Adherence to this requirement is essential for maintaining your active status in the program.
Speaker Reimbursements
Distinguished Lecturers (DLs) are responsible for arranging their own travel. Additional resources and reimbursement guidelines are available on this page.
How to Apply to Become an AESS Distinguished Lecturer
AESS is not currently accepting applications to become a DL. The next call for applications will be at the end of the year 2026. An email announcement will be sent out to all active AESS members at that time and will be posted on the website.
Virtual DL Series
The IEEE AESS Virtual Distinguished Lecturer Webinar Series initiative allows us to continue providing AESS members with our respected and reputable Distinguished Lecturer program. Registration is completely free.
Questions? Contact us at: [email protected]