IEEE AESS Distinguished Lecturer Program: Speaker Request

This form is a request for society support, scheduling arrangements are made separately with the speaker. Prior to submitting this request, you must confirm the availability of the Distinguished Lecturer including the dates requested.

Distingiushed Lecturer
Lecturer Title/Topic
Direction-Of-Arrival Estimation: Approaches and Recent Advances
Dual Function Radar Communications Using Index Modulation
Target Detection in Heterogeneous Environments
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Mega Satellite Constellations for Communication: Stochastic Geometry Approaches for Modeling and Performance Analysis
Mega Satellite Constellations for Communication and Sensing: Challenges and Opportunities
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Estimation for a Feedback System with a Desired Final State and Intermittent Stochastic Inputs
Full State Information Transfer Across Adjacent Cameras in a Network Using Gauss Helmert Filters
Measurement Extraction for a Point Target From an Optical Sensor
Target Tracking and Data Fusion: How to Get the Most Out of Your Sensors
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Automotive Radars Principles
Automotive Radar Operation in Multipath and NLOS Urban Scenarios
Human Health Aspects of Radar Operation
In-cabin Sensing
Radar or Lidar What to Choose for Automotive Applications
Lecturer Title/Topic
Engineering in the Real World
Filter Design for Radar Tracking of Maneuvering Targets
Systematic Filter Design for Tracking Maneuvering Targets: How to Get Guaranteed Performance Out of Your Sensors
Tracking Maneuvering Targets in a World of Netted Sensors
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Multispectral Image Fusion & Night Vision Colorization
Overview of High-Level Information Fusion Theory, Models, & Representations
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Cyber Security of Sensor Systems: Augmenting Anomaly Detection for Sequence Estimation
Algorithms and Analysis for Optimizing the Tracking Performance of Cyber Attacked Sensor-Equipped Connected Vehicle Networks
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Active Electronically Scanned Arrays (AESA) Architectures
AESA Fundamental Theory
Introduction to Active Electronically Scanned Arrays (AESAs)
Overview of Key AESA Enablers: Array Elements, Transmit/Receive Modules and Beamforming
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Distributed MHT and Extensions
Multiple-Hypothesis Tracking (MHT)
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Ultra Wide Band Surveillance Radar
Foliage Penetration Radar
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Cognitive Electronic Warfare (EW) as a Training Aid
Cross-eye jamming – Correcting Misconceptions
EW in Academia – Logical Fallacy or Self-evident?
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Green Radar: A Review and Perspectives for Signal and Data Processing of Passive Coherent Location Radar (PCLR)
Radar Adaptivity: Antenna Based Signal Processing Techniques
Radar Technology and Sustainability: How to conjugate innovation and social duties
The Role of Multitarget Tracking Radar in Surveillance Systems
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Advances in Detect and Avoid for Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Advanced Air Mobility
Principles and Cooperative Techniques for Multi-drone Systems and Swarms
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Lecturer Title/Topic
High Fidelity RF Clutter Modeling and Simulation
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Lecturer Title/Topic
PDesign of Efficient and Electrical Power Systems for Small Spacecraft
Space nanogrids: Bringing rapid development, low-cost and less failure to space missions
Modern small satellites and new design methodologies as enablers of capacity-building on developing countries
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Lecturer Title/Topic
An Introduction to Non-linear State Estimation and Target Tracking Based on Tensor Decompositions
An Introduction to State Estimation with Discrete Densities Using Tensor Decompositions
An Introduction to Quantum Computing and Data Fusion
An Introduction to Track-to-Track Fusion and the Distributed Kalman Filter
Distributed Sequential Likelihood Ratio Testing for Track Existence Decisions
Multi Sensor Fusion in Distributed Systems
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Advanced Techniques of Radar Detection in Non-Gaussian Background
Cognitive Radar
Sea & Land Clutter Statistical Analysis & Modeling
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Cognitive EW: Using AI to Solve EW problems
Cognitive EW: Assuring In-Mission Learning for EW
Cognitive EW: Data Requirements for AI
Cognitive EW: Decision Making for Unified EMS Effects
Cognitive RF Systems: Using AI to Solve Complex Problems
Machine Learning in Embedded, Data-deprived Devices
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Towards Trustworthy Autonomy : How AI can help address fundamental learning and adaptation challenges
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Autonomous Model Analytics for Avionic Systems
Ontological Decision-Making Support for Air Traffic Management
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Ad Astra: Navigation with Megaconstellation LEO Satellites
No GPS, No Problem: Exploiting Signals of Opportunity for Resilient and Accurate Autonomous Navigation in GPS-Denied Environments
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Introduction to Radar and Its Civilian Applications: From Radar Principles to Considering the Application Needs for Signal Processing and Classification
Radar in Assisted Living: An Overview
Radar in Dairy Farming: An Overview
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Automotive MIMO Radar
Over a Century of Array Signal Processing
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Design of Wideband Beamformers with Frequency Invariant Responses
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Towards a Long-range Microwave Quantum Radar
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Lecturer Title/Topic
History and Future of Radar & EW
Sense and Avoid Radar
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Deep Learning Based RF Target Classification: Recent Results and Technical Challenges
Deep Learning Based Advanced SAR Automatic Target Recognition Algorithms
Deep Learning for Radar Automatic Target Recognition: Past, Present, and Emerging Techniques
Machine Learning Approaches for Data Limited SAR Object Recognition
Recent Research on Deep Learning Based Radar Automatic Target Recognition
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Angle-Only Tracking in Three Dimensions
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Deep learning for mmWave and THz beamforming applications
Integrated sensing and communications (ISAC): optimization & learning techniques, vehicular ISAC, distributed ISAC, mmWave and THz ISAC, full-duplex ISAC
Intelligent reflecting surfaces for radar and communications
Sparse representation, and reconstruction in SAR
Sparse Reconstruction in Co-Pulsing and Co-STAP FDA Radar
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Lecturer Title/Topic
How to Configure, Design, Assemble, Test, Launch, and Operate a Satellite?
RF Characterization of Next Generation Satellites
Spacecraft Magnetic Cleanliness Requirements for Science and Space Explorations Missions
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Design and Simulation of Nanosatellites
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Lecturer Title/Topic
3D ISAR: Techniques and Applications
New Concepts in Maritime Detection
Performance Prediction Modelling for Maritime Radar
Simulation of Radar Sea Clutter
The Importance of Sea Clutter Modeling
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Space Sustainability
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Lecturer Title/Topic
“A Day in Space”: Astronaut Training
Aerospace Systems: Technology Based on Space Exploration
Design and Application of Picosatellites
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Advances in Digital Avionics and Space Systems
Aerospace Cyber-Physical Systems
Cognitive Human-Machine Interfaces and Interactions for Aerospace and Defence Systems
GNSS Augmentation Strategies for Urban Air Mobility and UAS Traffic Management
The Future of Air and Space Transport – Towards Multi-Domain Traffic Management
The Future of Avionics Systems
Trusted Autonomous Aerospace Systems
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Research and Innovation Challenges
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Lecturer Title/Topic
INFOrmation and Resource Management (INFORM) for Accurate Tracking of Resident Space Objects
System Theory and Sparse Learning for Data Driven Modeling
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Lecturer Title/Topic
How It Works: UAV Technology Overview
How It’s Used: UAV Applications & Business Opportunities
How It’s Managed: UAV Policies & Regulations
A Course for New Drone Operators – UAV Technology, Regulations, and Applications
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Passive Through-Wall Human Sensing with WiFi
Countering the Drone’s Threat by Radar – Technical Challenges and Perspectives
Radar Tomographic Imaging - Achieving High Resolution with Spatial Diversity
Introduction to MIMO Radar Waveforms
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Transport Protocols for Space Internet
Reliable Data Transmission in Moon-Earth Communications
Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) for Deep Space Networks
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Lecturer Title/Topic
Cognitive Automotive Sensing Assisted by Joint Radar and Communications
Weak Target Detection with Integrated Multi-user Communications via Reinforcement Learning
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Proposed Schedule

Include the date, location, lecture title, and local POC if different than the requestor's information for each proposed DL event.  Where possible and cost-effective, lecturers are encouraged to combine multiple lectures for different audiences in one itinerary.

Re-order Date Location Lecture POC Name POC Email Weight Operations
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Estimated Expenses

Indicate approximate expense for each DL event in USD (including all airfares and/or surface travel).

All AESS Chapters and IEEE Sections are encouraged to take advantage of the AESS Distinguished Lecturer and Tutorial Program for their regular or special meetings. We have selected an outstanding list of speakers who are experts in their fields. The AESS and host organization together pay reasonable speaker’s expenses for economy‐class travel, lodging, and meals. As a general guideline, the speaker’s expenses involving travel wholly within North America or within the European Union are limited to $1,000. Expenses involving extensive international travel are limited to $2,000. The Society also encourages arrangements whereby more than one lecture is presented in a single trip, and costs in such situations will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The inviting organization is expected to cover 50% of the speaker’s expenses.

Local Arrangements
The AESS expects the host organization(s) – typically a chapter or section ‐‐ to take care of all local arrangements and local expenses for both the DL event and speaker directly. This will often include accommodation, surface travel, and meals for the speaker in accordance with IEEE standards while AESS covers the air travel or similar. Ideally, the speaker should not to incur any costs for local expenses in relation to the DL event. It is up to the host organizations to reimburse the speaker if such expenses occur. The AESS will pay for the airfare costs and adjustments will be made after the event to ensure that the 50‐50 rule is satisfied up to the maximum limit approved by VP for Education. The hosts (and speaker) are reminded to keep receipts for all expenses related to the DL event for acquittal purposes. The host or speaker should notify VP for Education of any significant changes to the event after the approval as soon as possible.

Expense Apportionment

Indicate how these costs will be apportioned between the AESS and host(s) – chapter, section, or organizer.

Re-order Responsibile Entity Amount (USD) Weight Operations
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Re-order Responsibile Entity Amount (USD) Weight Operations
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These are covered by the local hosts.
Re-order Responsibile Entity Amount (USD) Weight Operations
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These are covered by the local hosts.
Host Organization

Provide the information for the person requesting the speaker.

If you are an AESS chapter, please select your chapter from the following list.
University, company, other IEEE Sections or Chapters
Yes, I have confirmed the requested speaker's participation and the schedule outlined above.