Award/Recognition Menu
This award is in honor of the late Fred Nathanson, and is sponsored by the IEEE Radar Systems Panel of the AES Society. The purpose of this award is to grant international recognition for outstanding contributions to the radar art. The goals of the Radar Systems Panel in granting this award are to encourage individual effort and to foster increased participation by developing radar engineers.
This award was established to recognize a young (less than 40 years of age on December 31 before the nomination deadline) AESS radar engineer whose performance is particularly noteworthy as evidenced by his contributions to the radar art.
$1,000 and Plaque. Up to $1,000 to attend the award ceremony can be authorized by the AESS President.
Reimbursements will follow IEEE Policies and Procedures.
In addition, the awardee can receive a $1,000 education grant from an endowment established by the Nathanson family pending the submission and approval of a short proposal.
Funded by the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society from funds generated by AESS Systems Panel Conferences. The education grant is funded by the IEEE Foundation from an endowment established by the Nathanson family.
At the IEEE Radar Conference or International Radar Conference
The Nathanson selection committee is comprised of seven (7) members of the IEEE AES Radar Systems Panel, inclusive of the committee chair. Members of this committee generally serve during their tenure on the panel, though they may be rotated more frequently in the case of conflicts, whereby a member is perceived to receive a benefit from the success of one candidate over others. Committee membership strives to maintain a distribution that is internationally representative of the radar community. The award is advertised on the AESS webpage and in the AESS Systems Magazine. The committee chair solicits the education grant proposal to be funded under the Nathanson family gift, and the AESS Awards Chair provides approval.
Individual contributions to the radar community through technical papers, presentations, inventions, or products. The selection criteria are based on four weighted categories, which are a) the impact of contributions to the advancement of radar systems (30%), b) the breadth of contributions to the radar art (30%), c) engagement with the IEEE/AESS radar community (20%), and d) the strength of the reference letters (20%).
A young (less than 40 years of age on December 31 before the nomination deadline) AESS radar engineer whose performance is particularly noteworthy as evidenced by contributions to the radar art over a period of several years.
Nominees must be a member (in any grade) of IEEE AESS and must have made outstanding contributions to the radar art; nominations must permit appraisal of the contributions.
Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations.
Previous award winners are not eligible.
In case of multiple nominations of the same individual, only the first submitted will be considered; withdrawal of a nomination can be requested either by the corresponding nominator or by the nominee, provided that this request is forwarded to the chair of the awards committee before the expiration of the nomination’s submission deadline.
Self-nominations are not permitted.
An individual may serve as a nominator or reference for only one candidate for the Nathanson Award in the year of consideration. If the individual serves in either role for two candidates, the nomination and reference(s) will be removed from consideration.
Nominations should comply with IEEE Policies and restrictions on awards. Incidents of misconduct including, but not limited to, violations of IEEE's publication policies, will be strongly considered by the awards committee and may be grounds for denial of an award or leadership position.
Example: For the 2026 award, the nominee should be less than 40 years of age on December 31, 2025.
For questions, please contact the awards chair.
For advancements in waveform design and algorithms for radar and communications spectrum sharing
For contributions to radar-based target classification
For contributions to radar embedded communications, spectrum sharing, and cognitive radar
For outstanding contributions to the application of modern optimization theory to radar waveform design and adaptive signal processing.
For contributions to radar resource management and cognitive radar
For pioneering research in long-range passive radar sensing, in particular the analysis and synthesis of novel detection and tracking methods.
For innovative systems engineering advancements in the exploitation of scattering phenomena for the next generation passive and active imaging radars
For fundamental, Experimental and Theoretical Work in Characterizing Radar Sea Clutter
For outstanding Contributions to the Field of Passive Radar Imaging
For contributions to Dismount Moving Target Indication and Adaptive Radar Signal Processing
For outstanding contributions in radar imaging and adaptive waveform design
For contributions to sub-nyquist sampling theory with application to radar and array processing.
For contributions to inverse synthetic aperture radar
For contributions to adaptive radar signal processing and waveform diversity
For contributions to OTH Radar and Radar Signal Processing
For contributions to radar signal processing
For contributions to signal processing, estimation, and detection theory
For contributions to Radar Signal Processing
For contributions to signal processing and systems engineering in airborne and space-based radar
For contributions to Radar Signal Processing
For contributions To Radar Signal Processing
For contributions to radar and sonar signal processing
For advancement of adaptive processing algorithms using multiple degrees of freedom to detect weak signals in complex environments.
For advancement of Multi-Target/Sensor Tracking and Data Fusion and Radar Resource Management
For Advancement of Adaptive Radar Signal Processing, Bistatic Radar, and Ultrawideband Radar
For advancement of radar, remote sensing, antenna technology and radar education
For contributions to synthetic aperture systems and electromagnetic modeling
For development of radar data processing techniques
For contributions in radar signal processing