Michael C. Wicks
United States of America

Michael C. Wicks

Life Span
University of Dayton
IEEE Region
Region 1 (Northeastern U.S.)
Technical Area
Radar Systems

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Dr. Wicks is a leading research scientist in radar, remote sensing, signal processing and systems engineering, with a current focus on space-time adaptive processing, distributed sensing and radio frequency technology at the University of Dayton. He is the founder of the University of Dayton MUMMA Radar Lab, and a Distinguished Research Scientist in the University of Dayton Research Institute. He was an executive and the Senior Scientist for Sensors Signal Processing at the AFRL Sensors Directorate where he pursued a variety of research interests in his career, including: surface, airborne and space based radar, counter explosive sensor technology, cognitive radar and radio, space object identification, deep earth probing radar for hard and deeply buried targets, multi-dimensional adaptive processing for airborne and space-based radar moving target detection and identification / imaging, ultra-wideband radio and radar, passive and active multi-static systems, tomographic radar, and concealed weapons/contraband detection and carrier identification. He pioneered the concept of knowledge-based signal processing and waveform diversity, and has led national and international research teams on the design, development and fielding of novel algorithms, architectures and systems for remote sensing from space, air and surface platforms. Dr. Wicks was the recipient of many professional honors and awards, including the IEEE Nathanson Award (1998), IEEE Fellow, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Fellow, IEEE Warren White Award for Excellence in Radar Engineering (2009) and the IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies Applications (2013). Dr. Wicks has published over 300 papers, reports, book chapters, books and US patents.

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