Young Professionals


AESS recognizes the challenges and surprises that students face when transitioning to industry and working full-time.  This is why AESS has dedicated a specific member of the Board of Governors, a young professional, to address and support all the issues pertinent to young professionals: a YP for YP.

Travel Grants

The AESS travel grant supports IEEE young professionals attending AESS conferences to further their professional development. 

Candidates are eligible to apply if they are an IEEE Young Professional as well as an AESS member at the time of the deadline. The travel grant is open to those presenting a paper, as well as those who are not presenting a paper at the conference. 

Each of the recipients will receive a package of conference items including free registration and hotel accommodation. Judging of the applications will be based on the perceived need and motivation for the grant, as well as the travel difficulty faced by the applicant. 

Join AESS    Join IEEE   Travel Grant Application

YP Career Advice

One of the main challenges for young professionals embarking on their journey in the industry world is to establish and nurture a successful career. A successful career needs

  • Continuing technical education
  • Networking
  • Mentoring
  • Soft skills

YP Opportunities

As YP member, don’t forget the many opportunities that the IEEE Young Professional organization is offering:

  • Many local sections do have a YP representative who organizes YP-specific events, such as tours, network events, or simply meet and greet at local pubs.
  • The IEEE YP offers several conferences, such as Rising Stars and Future Leaders Forum, to improve your soft skills and get inspiration from successful engineers.  Check for more information.

Please check out all of the opportunities and participate in the IEEE YP activities, whether local or remote, social or technical, in person or online:  they may not give you a job right away, but will give you a career!

AESS Provided Benefits for YP

The AESS provides the YP with the following benefits:

  • AESS provides a multitude of technical conferences, occurring several times per year worldwide.  This gives the YP a chance to be informed about the utmost advances in his/her area of interest.  Conferences are also an opportunity to meet key people for better networking.
  • AESS Conferences offer tutorial sections, which are particularly useful for a YP new to the field.
  • Several AESS Conferences are also offering Summer Schools, which are two/three-day courses on a particular topic taught by many of the best lecturers worldwide.  Check if your next conference has a summer school planned.
  • AESS Conferences are increasingly offering YP-specific events, where YP and world-renown mentors have a chance to meet and greet in friendly, comfortable settings.  These are great opportunities for YP to socialize and grow their professional network.
  • AESS local chapters worldwide organize technical meetings where distinguished lecturers or keynote speakers address the recent innovations in AESS fields.
  • AESS has also created a Resource Center, where tutorials are recorded and available for free to any young professional, anywhere and anytime.
  • AESS has recently started the Mentoring Program, where YP and students have a chance to connect with Mentors worldwide, to gain their insights and expertise in the field.
  • AESS is now offering Distinguished Short Courses, which are aimed at the YP beginning his/her career on a new area.  These courses are industry oriented. Check AESS website for the latest list.