Chapters are located worldwide and provide a home for similarly-minded aerospace engineers. Please identify the Chapter you belong to and feel free to contact the Chapter Chair to get involved.

View Chapters Listing


Would you like to start an AESS Chapter?

If you are interested in starting a new AESS chapter or joint chapter, please visit the resources on the IEEE website.

How to Start a Chapter

AESS Chapter of the Year Award

The IEEE AESS Chapter of the Year Award recognizes an AESS Chapter whose performance is particularly noteworthy during the last year.

View Award and Recipients

Chapter Reports

Learn about recent activities of AESS Chapters.

View Chapter Reports

Chapter Chair Toolbox

Funding Opportunities

Chapter Annual Support

Chapters are encouraged to apply annually for financial support of up to $500 USD to fund local AESS chapter activities and small initiatives. Requests for support should use the short online form. Funding will be automatically approved upon completion of the form and review of the VP Member Services. There are no additional requirements.

The deadline for application submission is December 1 for each calendar year. The information to be included in the form refers to the current year when the application is submitted.

Chapter Annual Support Request Form

Major Chapter Initiatives

Chapters are also invited to submit proposals for major initiatives to increase the local impact of AESS, recruit new members, and provide additional benefits to existing members, especially young members. Funding requests up to $2,500 will be reviewed by the AESS Vice President Member Services and the Member Services Committee. Requests greater than $2,500 will be reviewed by the VP and Committee, and their recommendation will be reviewed and voted on by the AESS Board of Governors.

Major Chapter Initiatives Request Form

Additional Support

  • Annual recognition to the Best Chapter of the Year
  • Travel support for Distinguished Lecturers to attend chapter activities
  • Support through the AESS Short Course Initiative
  • Travel support for Chapter Chairs to attend Regional Chapter Summits

Chapter Listing

Region 1 (Northeastern U.S.)

Region 2 (Eastern U.S.)

Region 3 (Southeastern U.S.)

Region 4 (Central U.S.)

Region 5 (Southwestern U.S.)

Region 6 (Western U.S.)

Region 7 (Canada)

Region 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)

Denmark Section

IEEE Region
Region 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)

Region 9 (Latin America)

Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)

Student Branch Chapter Listing

Region 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)

Chapter Type
Student Chapter


IEEE Region
Region 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)

Region 9 (Latin America)

Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)