
IEEE AESS Systems Magazine Tutorials

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Welcome to the AESS Systems Magazine Tutorials page. The IEEE AESS Systems Magazine is continuously seeking articles for its Tutorial supplement, which is nominally published once a year. The Tutorial supplement was introduced in 2004 to provide an avenue for the publication of technical papers that may not provide the focus and novelty for the Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, but do provide the reader with some basic technical understanding and the breadth of research in an existing or emerging technology pertinent to the IEEE AESS.

The Tutorial series is intended to inspire and guide members of the AESS community to better understand existing areas of research or pursue emerging research topics that can lead to creative solutions for various AESS technology challenges. To date, four Tutorial supplements have been published with topics covering radar, tracking, biometrics, sensor networks, ATR, and power networks. Just like the Magazine and the Transactions, all Tutorial articles are included in IEEE Xplore. Click here for a list of previously published Tutorials.

A tutorial article serves as a primer, a survey, or both a primer and survey for a particular research or technology area. All articles for the tutorial supplement must discuss how the research or technology area is applicable to aerospace and electronic systems. Tutorial articles are not intended to publish new research results or novel solutions to research problems. The AES Transactions are the place for publishing new research results. Authors are invited to submit their articles to Authors should be careful to address the scope of their tutorial and who will benefit from their tutorial.

All papers will go through a peer-review process. Papers that are accepted through the peer review process will be published in order of acceptance. Questions about the scope of articles and/or the review process can be addressed to the Tutorials Editor, Dale Blair. Members of AESS are encouraged to propose suggestions for article topics. The Tutorials Editor is continuously seeking out potential authors to contribute to this important supplement of the Magazine.

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