Colombia Section Chapter

IEEE Region
Region 9 (Latin America)

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We are the Colombian Chapter of the Society of Electronic and Aerospace Systems. We promote the social appropriation of science, technology, and aerospace innovation. We organize and publicize innovation challenges, events, courses, and activities to develop skills and creative ideas to promote projects in the Colombian aerospace sector. We promote the space race in Colombia.

Take advantage of the benefits of our society.

AESS is the only world professional society that deals with disclosing all the information of electronic systems fully integrated with various technologies; among them: Radar; Robotics; Command, control, and communication systems; Energy Conversion; Intelligent systems (AI); navigation and tracking systems; Simulations and instrumentation; SONAR and underwater systems; space systems; automatic test systems; Vehicle systems (ROVERS); and integrated modular electronics. We interact with all IEEE technical societies and organizations worldwide.

All members receive the Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. Additional benefits include Discount on Transactions; the Right to present papers at Congresses and Symposiums; Receiving awards and recognition for technical achievements and learning managerial skills as an AESS volunteer.

 Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS) Colombia Chapter


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