Silvia Ullo
Silvia Ullo
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Silvia Liberata Ullo, Senior Member of IEEE, is IEEE AESS (Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society) Italy Chapter Chair (2024-2025).
Silvia is also IEEE Joint ComSoc/VTS Italy Chapter Industry Liaison since 2018. She is the Europe Liaison of GRSS and an AdCom Member. She also serves as IEEE GRSS Image Analysis and Data Fusion (IADF)Technical Committee Member.
Authored 80+ research papers, and co-authored many book chapters and two books. Full list at: https://iris.unisannio.it/simple-search?query=Silvia%20Liberata%20Ullo
Served as editor of many special issues and moreover, she is:
- Associate Editor of IEEE JSTARS, Electronic ISSN: 2151-1535, Print ISSN: 1939-1404
- Associate Editor of IEEE GRSL, Electronic ISSN: 1558-0571, Print ISSN: 1545-598X
- Associate Editor of IET Image Processing, Wiley Online, Online ISSN:1751-9667
- Associate Editor of IET Wireless Sensor Systems, IET digital Library, Online ISSN 2043-6394, Print ISSN 2043-6386
- Section Editor (Section: Machine learning/radar area) of the journal Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications (RACSC), Bentham Science, ISSN: 2666-2566 (Online), ISSN: 2666-2558 (Print)
- Topical Editor (Topic: Geo-Informatics and Remote Sensing) of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer, Electronic ISSN 1866-7538, Print ISSN 1866-7511
A researcher with the University of Sannio since 2004, she is in the Telecommunications and Remote Sensing group of the Engineering Department. Her research interests mainly deal with signal theory and processing, sensor networks, telecommunication networks, smart grids, remote sensing through wireless and networked sensors, optical and radar remote sensing, satellite data analysis, machine learning and quantum ML applied to satellite images, data fusion, and radar systems.
She is a member of the Academic Senate and Ph.D. Professors’ Board. Teaching the bachelor courses: Principles of Mathematics, Signal theory and elaboration, Telecommunication networks; the master course: Earth monitoring and mission analysis Lab, and the PhD course: Optical and radar remote sensing.
She has delivered more than 20 keynote/invited talks at an international level.
Graduated cum laude in Electronic Engineering in 1989 at Federico II University, Naples. Awarded with an ITALTEL scholarship, accomplished a Microeconomics Program at Harvard University, in August 1990, and the Master of Science in Management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in 1992 (Cambridge, Massachusetts-USA). She worked with ITALTEL S.p.A. for 8 years as a Research Engineer and Production Manager, and for 4 years with the Benevento Municipality, as Officer at the Data Elaboration Center (CED). She has been a Member of the Board of Directors for the Municipal Transport Society (AMTU) of Benevento for 3 years (1994-1997).
- 2024-Present Chapter Chair (Italy Section Chapter)