Robert Perea-Tamayo
Robert Perea-Tamayo
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Robert Perea is an Electronic Engineer from the Universidad Nacional de San Agustin in Arequipa – Peru, and Master of Science in Electronics and Telecommunications from the University of Gävle in Sweden. Developed his Master Thesis work with the Ferdinand Braun Institute in Berlin – Germany, and Specialized in Space Systems with Airbus Defense and Space in Toulouse – France.
He worked for the Space Agency of Peru – CONIDA for over 7 years, with large experience with Earth Observation optical satellites, selected as satellite specialist of Electrical, TTC and RF sub-systems of PeruSAT-1. Founder of Robinsson Space and Telecom in Peru developing prototypes of SDR based ground stations and sounding platforms for nanosats. He was Communications Engineer for Beyond Gravity Germany working with feasibility and implementation of hybrid beamforming and synchronization of DVB-S2X receiver. With experience in several fields like hardware design, communication systems, antenna engineering, satellite control and operations, space energy systems, space mission design, system engineering, Space Quality Assurance and ITU coordination and regulations.
He is an IEEE Senior Member, reviewer and speaker in several Conferences and Seminars, and currently Chair of the IEEE Joint Chapter AESS & SPS of Peru Section.
- 2023-Present Chapter Chair (Peru Section Joint Chapter)