Lorenzo Lo Monte
United States of America

Lorenzo Lo Monte

TTM Technologies
IEEE Region
Region 1 (Northeastern U.S.)
Technical Area
Electronic Warfare, Radar Systems, Systems Engineering, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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Dr. Lo Monte has experience in applied Radar, RF, Signal Processing, Electronic Warfare system design and prototyping, from small companies, consulting, academia, research institutions, to large defense contractors and government agencies worldwide. He serves as Chief Scientist at TTM Technologies, a top-40 defense corporation specializing in ISR, with the role of translating research innovations into commercial products. Prior to that, he was a Research Associate Professor at the University of Dayton and the Director of the Mumma Radar Laboratory. Dr. Lo Monte has published over 70 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers and two book chapters.

Throughout his career, he gained experience in radar systems design from HF to W band, including AESA, Fully Digital Arrays, Automotive Radars, Health Radars, ASW, ASuW, AEW, Multistatic Radar, Precision Timing / Frequency Control, MIMO Radar, SAR, ISAR, CSAR/Tomography, counter ISRT, SAA/DAA, GPR, FMCW, Passive Radar, Geolocation, LO/CLO, Low RCS, Counter IED/EFP, cUAS, BMD target discrimination, AMTI, GMTI, MMTI, DMTI, CCA/FVL and MUM-T, ATR/MCA, EA/ES/EP/RWR/ELINT, Radar Reverse Engineering, LPI/LPD/LPID, Clutter Modeling and Measurements, Antenna Modeling and Measurements, IMA Design, Inverse Scattering, Applied Electromagnetics, Adaptive/Systolic Array Processing, STAP, MIL-STD/NTIA/FAA/RTCA Compliance, Safety Certification, MxFE, Packaging, PCB / Substrate Technology, SysML/DoDAF/MBSE.

Dr. Lo Monte is highly active in the IEEE community: he was the General Chair for IEEE RadarConf’22, and serves in the AESS Board of Governors as the VP for Members and Chapter Coordinator. He held the VP role for Education (AESS) and VP for Industry (Region 1). Dr. Lo Monte was also a Technical Editor of the IEEE Sensors Journal for many years. Dr. Lo Monte is also an AESS Distinguished Lecturer and an approved AESS Short Course Instructor. He taught many short courses in radar, EW, and RF worldwide, including at AFRL, Intelligence Centers, AFLCMC, MIT, Fraunhofer Institute, DSTG Australia, Singapore, as well as underrepresented sections such as Algeria, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, and Bolivia.

AESS Position(s): 
BoG (2021-2023) (2018-2020); VP Education (2019-2021); AESS Short Course Instructor; AESS Rep to the Sensors Council (2016-2017), Young Professionals Program Representative (2018); AESS Distinguished Lecturer (2020-2022)

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