Patrick McCormick
Patrick McCormick
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Patrick McCormick received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering, B.S. in electrical engineering, and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA, in 2008, 2013, and 2018, respectively. From 2018 to 2021, he served as a research electronics engineer with the Air Force Research Laboratory - Sensors Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. In 2021, he began his current position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Kansas in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department. He has multiple refereed journal publications, conference papers, book chapters, and patents in the areas of waveform diversity and design, adaptive receive signal processing, and radar/communication spectrum sharing. Dr. McCormick was awarded the 2018 IEEE AESS Robert T. Hill Best Dissertation Award for his work in radar waveform design and optimization and is a 2023 DARPA Young Faculty Award recipient. He has been an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems since 2024 and has been a member of the IEEE AESS Radar Systems Panel since 2023.
- 2024-Present Radar Systems Associate Editor (TAES Technical Areas and Editors)
- 2022-Present Members (Radar Systems Panel Committee)