Piotr Samczynski
Piotr Samczynski
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Dr. Piotr Samczynski received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electronics and Ph.D and D.Sc. degrees in telecommunications all from the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Warsaw, Poland in 2004, 2005, 2010 and 2013 respectively. Since 2010, he has been the Assistant Professor at the WUT; and since 2014 – a member of the WUT’s Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology Council. Prior to this, he was a research assistant at the Przemyslowy Instytut Telekomunikacji S.A. (PIT S.A.) (2010-2005) and the head of PIT’s Radar Signal Processing Department (2010-2009).
Dr. Samczynski’s research interests are in the areas of radar signal processing, passive radar, synthetic aperture radar and digital signal processing. He is the author of over 160 scientific papers. Since 2003 Dr. Piotr Samczynski has been an active researcher in the field of radar signal processing, when as a B.Sc. student he was engaged in a development of the first Polish Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). Nowadays, this SAR system developed with a significant contribution of Dr. Samczynski has been successfully used by the Polish Navy and Polish Border Guards. In 2007 Dr. Samczynski turned his research interest into passive coherent location (PCL) radars. He was involved in the developments in the various types of ground-based Passive Radar Demonstrators (PaRaDe) utilizing different bands (FM, DVB-T, GSM) of commercial transmitters as the illuminators of opportunity as well as on passive radars using non-cooperative ground- and satellite-based pulse radars as illuminators. Over the last few years Dr. Samczynski has also dedicated himself to research in passive SAR/ISAR imaging using commercial continues wave transmitters and pulse radars as the illuminators of opportunity. In 2012 he was responsible for organizing airborne passive radars trials using DVB-T transmitters as the illuminators of opportunity. As the result of this trials the first passive SAR image with resolution ca. 20m x 20m of the ground surface has been obtained. Moreover, in 2012, he published an example of real passive ISAR image of a fighter aircraft using the same DVB-T transmitter as an illuminator.
Dr. Samczynski was involved in several projects for the European Research Agency (EDA), Polish National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR) and Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MiNSW), including the projects on SAR, ISAR and passive radars. In 2012-2015 he was a project manager of the national project for NCBiR entitled Micro Synthetic Aperture Radar for Ground Surface Monitoring – µSAR. As the result of this project high resolution SAR radar dedicated for UAV platforms has been developed and successfully tested in flights. Currently, at WUT he is a project manager of the SCOUT project entitled Multitech SeCurity system for intercOnnected space control groUnd staTions co-funded by the European Commission within the FP7 (2014-2017).
He is a technical program committee member of several radar conferences including IRS (2012-2017), He was the coordinator of the Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo) conference series (2005-2011) and the Technical Program Chair of SPSympo (2013, 2015,2017). Since 2009 he has been a part of several research task groups under the NATO subsidiary Science and Technology Organization, where he supports the research work in the fields of radar signal processing, modern passive and active radars architectures and noise radars.
Dr. Samczynski received the “Best Poster Presentation” award at the 2007 RADAR Conference, the “Student Paper” award at the 2008 RADAR Conference, the first and third European Microwave Association prizes, “Young Scientist Awards” at the MRRS 2008 and MRRS 2011 Symposia, “Recognition as a Finalist” in the 2010 IEEE Radar Conference Student Paper Competition, and the Polish Academy of Sciences Award for the best young scientist presentation at the 13th IRS Symposium in 2012. He received the third prize for the realization of the last project (ISAR/HiSAR radar) for the best research and development project in the area of defense given by Polish Ministry of Defence under the auspices of President of the Republic of Poland.
As the researcher and the academic professor, Dr. Samczynski combines his teaching and theoretical research with the real applications. His main fields of the teaching have been signal processing, radar techniques and LabVIEW courses. Being also a devotee of LabVIEW programming, he has been a lecturer of the new course at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology (since 2014), which he developed by himself: Digital Signal Processing Techniques using LabVIEW. Many times he was invited by the universities and research institutes to give talks on radar signal processing in active and passive radars.
- 2023-Present Members (Radar Systems Panel Committee)
- 2020-2023 Members (Radar Systems Panel Committee)