Francesco Fioranelli

Francesco Fioranelli

Personal Gender Pronouns
Delft University of Technology
IEEE Region
Region 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Technical Area
Radar Systems

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Francesco Fioranelli received his PhD on through-wall radar imaging at Durham University, UK, in January 2014, was a Research Associate on multistatic radar at University College London between 2014 and 2016, and an assistant professor at the University of Glasgow between 2014 and 2016.

He joined the Microwave Sensing Signals & Systems (MS3) group in the Department of Microelectronics of TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands, in 2019, where he is currently an associate professor. Francesco’s main research interests include micro-Doppler signatures characterization for target classification and applications of machine learning techniques to radar problems and data, with a focus on the healthcare and automotive domains. He has authored over 165 publications between book chapters, journal and conference papers, edited the books on “Micro-Doppler Radar and Its Applications” and ”Radar Countermeasures for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” published by IET-Scitech in 2020.

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