Radar Systems Panel

Technical Committee Menu


1. The Radar Systems Panel (RSP) is a Technical Panel of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society (AESS) and its activities should be in line with the purposes of the AESS. 

2. The purpose of the Panel is:

• to sustain and oversee the program of IEEE Radar Conferences;
• to manage the nomination and selection of candidates for IEEE Awards in the domain of Radar;
• to promote and support publications in the domain of Radar;
• to promote educational activities in the domain of Radar;
• to encourage the submission of nominations for IEEE Fellows and Senior Members in the domain of Radar;
• to provide periodic revision of IEEE Standards pertaining to the domain of Radar. 

3. The Panel is composed of IEEE members who are representatives of industry, government laboratories, educational institutions and professional societies, and who are active in the domain of Radar. It consists of 30 to 45 elected active members, Chair, Vice-Chair, and the recent Past Chair.

Radar Systems Panel Presentation

Committee Roster
