Laura Anitori
Laura Anitori
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Dr. Laura Anitori received her Master of Science degree (cum laude) in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy, in 2005 and her Ph.D. degree (cum laude) in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands, in 2013. From 2005 to 2007 she was a research assistant at the Telecommunication Engineering department at Twente University, The Netherlands, where she carried out fundamental research on Importance Sampling for Space Time Adaptive Processing for radar. Since 2007 she works at the Radar Technology department of TNO, The Netherlands. She is currently a senior scientist and program manager of the 4-years Defense funded radar research program. Her work is fully embedded in the “Radar and Integrated Sensor Suite 2030” technology roadmap of the Royal Dutch Navy, which focuses on the development of the radar sensors suite for the next-generation Integrated Air and Missile Defense frigates of the Navy. Programs in this roadmap are carried out in the framework of a strategic alliance between TNO, Thales Netherlands, and the Dutch Ministry of Defense. As one of the main technical advisors and coordinators within this roadmap, she is responsible to identify new radar system concepts and architectures, innovative waveforms, and emerging signal processing algorithms for naval phased array radars and to ensure that these can grow from low to high TRLs. She is deeply involved in the international scientific community to support, promote, and organize new and existing activities. She is a senior IEEE member, and since 2017 member of the IEEE AESS Radar System Panel, where she is Vice Chair of the Student Competition Committee. She is a member of the European Microwave Association (EuMA) and its Young Professional Team, which promotes and supports young graduate students to the microwave community. Within this initiative, she supervises master and PhD students that intern at TNO. She collaborates with Dutch universities by defining graduate research topics and jointly supervising Master and PhD students. She has written numerous highly cited journal and conference papers. She is a reviewer for several journals and was an Associate Editor for IEEE Sensor Journal (2018-2019). She serves on several technical program committees and student competition committees at international conferences (IEEE (International) Radar Conferences, CoSeRA Workshops, SSPD, European Microwave Week, IRS). She organized several invited and special sessions at these events and is currently Chair of Workshop and Short Courses at EuMW2020 and EU liaison for the 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference. She is an active member of NATO’s Sensors and Electronics Technology (SET) Panel and Dutch national representative. She initiated and chaired several activities in the panel, and she is currently director of SET Lecture Series on “Compressive Sensing Techniques for Radar and ESM Applications” and chair of the research task group on “Integrating Compressive Sensing and Machine Learning Techniques for Radar Applications”. Her significant contributions to the SET Panel were recognized with NATO’s Early Career Award in 2018. The Task Group SET-236 that she chaired from 2016 to 2019 also received the 2019 SET Panel Excellence Award.
- 2025-Present Past Chair (Radar Systems Panel Committee)
- 2024-Present Board of Governor Member-at-Large (BoG)
- 2024-Present Nominations & Appointments Committee Member (Nominations & Appointments Committee)
- 2023-Present Member Services Committee Member (Member Services Committee)
- 2023-2024 Radar Systems Panel Chair (Technical Operations Committee)
- 2023-2024 Radar Systems Panel Chair (Radar Systems Panel Committee)
- 2017-2024 Members (Radar Systems Panel Committee)
- 2023-2023 Industry Relations Committee Member (Industry Relations Committee)
- 2021-2023 Board of Governor Member-at-Large (BoG)
- 2021-2021 Conferences Committee Member (Conferences Committee)
- 2021-2021 Professional Networking & Mentoring Committee Member (Member Services Committee)
- 2021-2021 Professional Networking & Mentoring Committee Member (Professional Networking & Mentoring Committee)