Paul Techau
Paul Techau
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Paul Techau received an M.S.E. from the University of Michigan in 1987 and a B.S.E.E. from the University of Akron, Ohio in 1986. Since 2014, he has been a System Architect with Northrop Grumman Mission Systems in Baltimore, MD. Prior to coming to Northrop Grumman, he was Vice President and Chief Technical Officer of ISL’s Defense Division in Vienna, VA, where he served for more than 25 years. Mr. Techau has an extensive background in radar signal processing, detection and estimation theory, adaptive array processing, and RF sensor and electronic warfare systems that encompasses all types of radar. He has authored or co-authored over 50 open literature, workshop, and conference publications. During his tenure at ISL he lead efforts to develop site-specific phenomenology models for radar and communication systems and is one of the first researchers to apply these models to system analyses including adaptive array and space-time adaptive processing (STAP) algorithm development for clutter and terrain-scattered interference (‘hot clutter’) mitigation. These efforts also included the development of site-specific high-fidelity in-phase and quadrature (IQ) signal simulations of radar systems. He continues as an active researcher in adaptive array processing including novel approaches to characterizing hardware effects on adaptive processing in digital arrays and adaptive digital beamforming algorithm development. In addition, he has performed radar system research in areas including novel radar waveforms, tracking, and angle-of-arrival estimation. Mr. Techau is a Senior Member of the IEEE, a member of the IEEE Radar Systems Panel, and a member of the Association of Old Crows.
- 2022-Present Members (Radar Systems Panel Committee)