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Dr. Giusti started her research career as Post-doc Research Fellow at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa in 2010, where she remained until 2014. While there, she worked on different research topics, including signal processing techniques for OTH (Over The Horizon) radar and Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) techniques for target detection with passive radars.
Since 2014, she has been working at the National Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT), at the Radar and Surveillance Systems (RaSS) National Laboratory, where she is currently Head of Research. Her scientific research interests include definition of radar systems requirements and design for Space Situational Awareness (SSA), and for different platforms (drone, airborne and satellite); development of algorithms for the SAR/ISAR image formation and processing; development of multidimensional radar imaging techniques; and development of AI for ATR using radar images and of Explainable AI (XAI) algorithms. Next to her scientific role, she is also responsible for project proposal definition for national and international tenders and project management. Over the last 10 years, she has had technical and management leadership roles in 9 international research projects, funded by Italian ministries and European organizations.
Her research activities have resulted in more than 100 articles published in peer reviewed journals and proceedings, 7 book chapters and 1 book for which she received the “Outstanding Information Research Foundation Book publication award” in 2016.
Dr. Giusti is also very active within the NATO Science and Technology Organisation (STO), in the Sensors and Electronics Technology (SET) Panel. Currently she is chair of the NATO SET-317 Research Task Groups on “Multi-dimensional and multi-platform” and co-chair of the Women in SET working group, a recently established initiative within NATO STO to promote and support the career development of young women. Within this activity, Dr. Giusti has also co-organized and co-chaired the NATO SET-327 Research Specialist Meeting on “Women in SET”. For her contributions and achievements, in 2021 she received the prestigious NATO SET Early Career Award.
She is a senior IEEE member since August 2023, and member of various IEEE societies, such as AESS (Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society) and SPS (Signal Processing Society), and a member of the Radar System Panel (RSP). Within the RSP she is an active member of the Education committee, where she lectures for the Radar Booth Camp and is a member of the Radar Student Paper Competition committee. Since 2021 she is also Associate Editor of the IEEE Transaction on Computational Imaging (TCI).
Dr. Giusti is also teaching courses on radar Systems at the Telecommunications Engineering, Computer Engineering Faculty, and Maritime and Naval Sciences Academy of the University of Pisa.
Over the past years, she has been tutoring more than 10 visiting/international PhD students, and she is currently supervising 3 PhD students in the field of radar signal and data processing.
In 2015, she co-founded ECHOES, a radar-producing company.
- 2025-Present Board of Governor Member-at-Large (BoG)
- 2022-Present Members (Radar Systems Panel Committee)