Raviraj Adve
Raviraj Adve
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I received my B. Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay in 1990 and my Ph.D. from Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY in 1996, both in Electrical Engineering. In January 1997 I joined Research Associates for Defense Conversion, Inc. working on a research contract with the Signal Processing Branch of the Sensors Directorate within the Air Force Research Laboratory. I joined the ECE Dept. of the University of Toronto in August 2000 where my primary appointment is with the Communications Group, but I am also cross listed with the Electromagnetics Group. My primary area of research is in the physical layer of wireless communication systems and sensor networks. I am also interested in adaptive signal processing for radar systems.
- 2023-Present Members (Radar Systems Panel Committee)
- Past Radar Systems Associate Editor (TAES Technical Areas and Editors)
- 2020-2023 Members (Radar Systems Panel Committee)
- 2003-2019 Members (Radar Systems Panel Committee)