Eric Mokole
United States of America

Eric Mokole


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Eric Mokole received the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1982. For the 1982-1983 academic year, he was an Asst. Prof. of Mathematics at Kennesaw College (GA). Since then, he has been conducting and leading radar-related research and development. From 1983 to 1986, he worked for the Electronic Warfare Division of the Naval Intelligence Support Center in Washington DC. From 1986-2014, he was employed by the Radar Division of the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington DC. From 2001-2005, Dr. Mokole was Head of the Surveillance Technology Branch, where he supervised approximately 30 R&D scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. His duties included: providing innovative technical solutions to Navy radar problems; developing new radar concepts, signal-processing/detection techniques, and electromagnetics research concepts; directing teams of researchers to pursue R&D solutions; and conducting basic and applied research. He led efforts on space radar (trans-ionospheric propagation), ultrawideband radar (antennas, propagation, mine detection, sea scatter, impulse radar), and waveform diversity (spectrally clean waveforms). From 2005-2008, he was Acting Superintendent of the Radar Division, after which he resumed being Head of the Surveillance Technology Branch. As Acting Superintendent, he managed a 120-person research group, directed the R&D thrust of the Radar Division, and conducted R&D on radar-related topics. After 3 years (2014-2017) of voluntary service for the IEEE, he joined the Electronic Systems & Technology Division of The MITRE Corporation in 2017 in McLean VA.
Professional activities include: Life Fellow IEEE (AP-S, AES-S, EMC-S, GRS-S, MTT-S). IEEE AES-S: Radar Systems Panel (2006-present). AP-S: Administrative Committee; Chair New Technology Directions Committee; Vice Chair AP-S SIGHT (2015-2018); Member AP-S Standards Committee (2015-present); and Chair Std 1502 Revision of IEEE AP-S (2015-2018). USNC-URSI: Government Liaison (2009-2014); Commissions A/B/C/E; Secretary (2013-2015), Vice Chair (2015-2017), and Chair (2018-2020) of C. NATO’s Sensors and Electronics Technology Panel: US Member (2006-2014; Vice Chair (2009-2011); and Chair (2011-2014). Military Sensing Symposia (MSS): US Navy Lead for Tri-Service Radar Symposia (2005-2014) and MITRE Member (2018); Committee Member of MSS National Symposia (2007-2014); MSS Executive Committee (2011-2014); and MSS Fellow (2012). OSD’s Radar Spectrum and Technology Working Group: Panel Member and Subject Matter Expert (2004-2005)

IEEE AESS Position History:
  • Present   Members (Radar Systems Panel Committee)
  • Recognitions:
  • 2011 AESS IEEE Fellows
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