• Current Nomination
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Judith Resnik Award Nomination Form

The Judith A. Resnik Space Award is an annual AESS award to recognize candidates that have provided outstanding contributions to space engineering in the AESS Fields of Interest; i.e. “the organization, systems engineering, design, development, integration, and operation of complex systems for space, air, ocean, or ground environments.”


The candidate does not have to be an IEEE/AESS member, but given everything else being equal, a member will be given preferential consideration. The Space achievement has to be deemed to have made a particularly noteworthy contribution in the AESS Field of Interest.


Prize items consist of an honorarium of $2,000 USD and a plaque.


Nominations are due by 1 December.


The nomination package is to include, besides this filled out AESS nomination form, a minimum of three endorsement letters by recognized space-oriented experts who have familiarity with the nominee’s accomplishments and to describe the merit of the nominee’s contributions to the AESS Field of Interest.

Nominee Information:

Education beyond High School Diploma:

Please list up to three Institutions, their associated degrees, the year receiving the degree and any honors.
Please denote Honorary Degrees with (H)

Institution Degree Year Honors
more items

Nominee Information:

Nominator Information:

Nominator Information: