David R Kirk
United States of America

David R. Kirk

Information Systems Laboratories
IEEE Region
Region 3 (Southeastern U.S.)

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David Kirk is a Vice President and Principal Engineer with ISL and is a Senior Member of IEEE. Mr. Kirk has over 30 years of experience in systems analysis and modeling of sensor systems, specializing in the areas of exploitation of full motion video, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), automatic target recognition (ATR) in both radar and hyperspectral imagery, ground moving target indication (GMTI) radar, ground target tracking, and navigation/geolocation accuracy. His work includes the development of a Full Motion Video Georegistration Application (FMVGA) which used low-quality video data, development of SAR processing software on high performance computers to process ultra-wide band (UWB) SAR imagery collected in support of the foliage penetration (FOPEN) program, development of novel applications of autofocus algorithms, and precision geolocation of an emitter in a short time from a single platform. He is currently supporting development of the RTEMES system for high-fidelity hardware in the loop simulation to support development and test of RF systems including radar, EW, and ELINT applications. This product is currently in use in Government and Industry laboratories.

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