Elena Simona Lohan
Elena Simona Lohan
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E. S. Lohan is a professor in wireless positioning field at Tampere University, in the Tampere Wireless Research Center at the Electrical Engineering Unit and the leader of TLTPOS research group on Signal processing for wireless positioning at TAU. She is a co-editor of the first book on Galileo satellite system (Springer "Galileo Positioning technology"), co-editor of a book on "Multi-technology positioning", and author or co-author in more than 300 international peer-reviewed publications. Her research interests are related to GNSS, indoor and 5G/6G-based positioning, tracking and navigation for intelligent and automated machines, RF fingerprinting and interference mitigation and management in wireless navigation receivers, and LEO-based navigation solutions.
- 2025-Present Associate Editor (Systems Magazine Editorial Board)
- 2024-Present Members (Navigations Systems Panel)