Robert L. Ewing
Robert L. Ewing
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Dr. Ewing (S’77-M’87-SM-’02) began his career in the Propulsion Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (Dayton, Ohio) with the development of high-speed jet engine control systems. He later held the position of a medical research scientist at the Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory and then an instructor, at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), where he co-pioneered the use of Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) for the design of robust analog and digital flight control and aircraft ejection systems. During the early 90’s, Dr. Ewing was requested to oversee the Wright Laboratory’s Solid State Electronic Devices Directorate’s research in the area of hardware description language (VHDL) for VLSI synthesis, the IEEE VHDL standards and formal verification. He led the development, committees and use of hardware description language for mixed-signal design and synthesis, known as VHDL-AMS. In the late 90’s, he became the Director of the Computer Engineering Research Consortium, a research center composed of universities, industry and graduate students. He has authored over 95 journal and conference publications, was the guest editor of three international journals publications, and chaired several international IEEE conferences and a reviewer for Europe’s IEE Electronic Letters International. He has been a registered Professional Engineer (PE) for twenty-five years, holds the position of adjunct professor at several universities and was invited as an expert panel member for the Government Review Committee in the Special Technology Area Review (STAR) of Mixed-Signal Design for future DoD systems. He served as the Director of the Center for Innovative Radar Engineering, Technical Advisor for the Embedded Information Systems of the Information Directorate, the IEEE Dayton Section Chair, Executive Steering Committee for the IEEE Circuits and Systems and the General Chair of the IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON).
- 2014-2016 Board of Governor Member-at-Large (BoG)
- 2012-2013 Executive Vice President (Officers)
- 2014 AESS IEEE Fellows