Thomas H. Kerr III
Thomas H. Kerr III
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Thomas H. Kerr III is a Ph.D. electrical engineer with over 40+ years of experience in his technology area of the theory and applications of Kalman filters and in related Signal Processing (and in the underlying mathematics, physics, and its supporting modeling & simulation). His R&D System Engineering experience has been in INS, JTIDS RelNav, GPS, and INS/GPS navigation for both the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Air Force, and in target tracking for strategic Early Warning Radars in national defense roles (SDI, NMD\UEWR), with some experience in countermeasure considerations. He was involved with D-1 Trident and C-4 back-fit Poseidon SSBN SINS/ESGM navigation development from 1973-1979 (where he developed an original automated failure detection algorithm for the ESGM as a Kalman filter real-time accoutrement involving Two Confidence Regions and also posed and solved the problem of SSBN external navaid fix utilization while evading enemy surveillance as a “cat-and-mouse” game of “sensor schedule optimization” within a natural Kalman Nav filter context), with GPS DT&E(OR) on-board SSN-701 La Jolla (1980’s), and with airborne GPS/INS (1990’s) and in 2003 for the Navy’s ACOSS Littoral Surveillance. He has also been involved with analysis in support of IV&V of Navy LAMPS Lofar/Difar & other sonar and sonobuoy target tracking (1980’s). He uses Monte-Carlo simulation of the above to set parameters and substantiate conclusions. He has proposal writing experience and has published extensively (~130+) in company technical reports and in the peer-reviewed open technical literature and these have received 700+ citations from other independent authors and researchers worldwide. He has received two awards for technical writing: (1) in 1967, from the Federal Power Commission in a competition between engineering schools in the metropolitan Washington D.C. area; (2) in 1988, the M. Barry Carlton Award for Best Paper in IEEE TAES in 1987. He is an AIAA GNC Associate Fellow, an IEEE Life Senior Member in AES and AC, a Life member of NDIA, and a member of ION since 1981. Within the last 5 years, He has provided Kalman filter-like MatLab code to Goodrich ISR on aspects related to U-2 camera pointing, for OKSI INS, and for Aurora Flight Sciences aircraft dynamics. He was previously employed by G.E. Corporate R&D Center, TASC, Intermetrics Inc., Lincoln Laboratory of MIT, Northeastern University ECE Graduate School (evenings-only), and is currently at TeK Associates as CEO/R&D Systems Engineer/Software Developer/Web Master/Owner since 1992. Area of Expertise: Kalman Filters and Estimation Theory & Practice (and its IV&V) & Technical Writing (M/S Office + MathType, LaTeX), Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) & Analysis & Mathematical Modeling & Monte-Carlo Simulation, GPS and INS/GPS Analysis and DT&E(OR), Strategic Radar Target Tracking & Sonar Target Tracking Filters, Cramer-Rao Lower Bound Analysis & Quantitative Numerical Evaluation, Software Implementations (VB, MatLab/Simulink, TK-MIP, Fortran, PL/1, Assembly, Javascript, HTML) & Observing Constraints, Validation Testing & Documentation (s/w IV&V), Modern Automatic Control & Classical PID Control & Algorithms for the above apps.