2023 IEEE/AIAA 42nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference
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To provide a forum for free discussions of new ideas, research, development and applications in order to simulate and inspire pioneering work in the field of digital avionics and related areas. To acquire high-quality technical papers for publication in DASC Proceedings and other appropriate publications such as the DATC Journal of Aircraft and IEEE Systems Magazine. To provide a meeting that will further the progress of DATC and IEEE entities, including Societies, Technical Committees, and local Sections and thereby better serve the interests of all DATC and IEEE members and the community at large. To provide an atmosphere that strengthens the interpersonal rapport of a large number of engineers and scientists interested in specialized and closely related fields. To provide an exhibition of current hardware and software products, methods and tools. To provide instruction in advances in digital avionics and to encourage and reward student academic participation.
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