VDL 2024

Space Sustainability

2023 VDL Series

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Space Systems are facing unprecedented challenges: technology maturity and increasing awareness about the key role of connectivity to cope with adverse outer conditions are paving the way to a new design approach for integrated communications infrastructures.

In fact, the “perfect” communications infrastructure cannot ignore Space as a key component. The integrated approach should also become truly respectful of both terrestrial and space environments and it should be able to squeeze any intelligence drop from the available technology.

New paradigms and requirements then promise to change the effectiveness and the impact of the Space portion in the integrated infrastructure.

The DL introduces the attendee to the Space Sustainability paradigm, increasing awareness about those technologies and design approaches that are intrinsically sustainability-prone. Innovative guidelines for the development of the Space component in the integrated infrastructure are presented, where a software-defined design and keen attention to space sustainability become the pillars for increasingly pervasive and flexible connectivity.

General Chair(s)