Conditions of Eligibility
Requirements of Role
Expected Meeting Attendance
Desirable Characteristics
The ideal Member-at-Large candidate should possess some or all of these desirable characteristics. Nominators should consider whether candidates display or have the potential to develop these traits. We are seeking actively engaged BoG members.
Focused and committed
Enthusiastic and capable
Intellectually curious, demonstrated life-long habits of learning
Collegial, collaborative and open-minded
Personal Statement
175-word statement with reasons for running for the AESS Board of Governors, intentions if elected, and the view of the candidate's role on the BoG.
Upload a Professional Biography
Include contributions to IEEE, AESS, AESS-related activities (committees, conferences, publications, technical activities, etc.), and/or the AESS field of interest.
I confirm that the candidate has the time to undertake this role and will be able to attend the BoG meetings.