Subrata Das
United States of America

Subrata Das

Machine Analytics, Inc.
IEEE Region
Region 1 (Northeastern U.S.)
Technical Area
Target Tracking Systems, Artificial Intelligence

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Dr. Subrata Das is the founder of Machine Analytics, a company in the Boston area providing business analytics and data fusion consultancy services and developing customized solutions for clients in government and industry. Subrata is also an adjunct faculty at Northeastern University. Subrata is the consulting Chief Data Scientist at Alphaserve Technologies in NY. Subrata served as a technology consultant at MIT Lincoln Lab. Subrata’s technical expertise includes mathematical logics, probabilistic reasoning, and a broad range of computational artificial intelligence and machine and deep learning techniques. Subrata spent two years in Grenoble, France, as the manager of over forty researchers in the document content laboratory at the Xerox European Research Centre. In the past, Subrata led many projects funded by DARAP, NASA, US Air Force, Army and Navy, ONR and AFRL. In the past, Subrata held research positions at Imperial College, London, received a PhD in Computer Science from Heriot-Watt University in Scotland, and masters from University of Kolkata and Indian Statistical Institute. Subrata has published many journal and conference articles. He is the author of five books including Computational Business Analytics, published by CRC Press/Chapman and Hall, and High-Level Data Fusion, published by the Artech House. Subrata has published many conference and journal articles, edited a journal special issue, and regularly gives seminars and training courses based on his books. Subrata served as a member of the editorial board of the Information Fusion journal, published by Elsevier Science.

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