Sanat K. Biswas
Sanat K. Biswas
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Sanat K. Biswas is an Assistant Professor with IIIT Delhi. His research interests are space vehicle navigation, GNSS applications, nonlinear estimation, and Space Situational Awareness. He received the B.E. degree from Jadavpur University in 2010, the M.Tech. degree in Aerospace Engineering from IIT Bombay in 2012, and the Ph.D. degree in computationally Efficient Unscented Kalman filters for space vehicle navigation from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, in 2017.
At IIIT Delhi he is leading research groups involved in developing algorithms for Space Situational Awareness, NavIC reflectometry receiver for remote sensing applications and Precise Point Positioning (PPP) of Low Earth Orbit Satellites. Dr. Biswas serves in the technical committee on Space Communications and Navigation (SCAN), and the technical committee on Space Traffic Management (STM) of the International Astronautical Federation. He was the recipient of the 2014 Emerging Space Leaders Grant from the International Astronautical Federation, 2019 Early Career Research Award from the Department of Science and Technology, India and Young Scientist Award 2020 and 2021, from the International Union of Radio Science (URSI).