IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, and IEEE Systems Council are jointly sponsoring the new IEEE Open Journal of Systems Engineering (OJSE) that is an open access technical journal devoted to the multidisciplinary aspects of systems engineering. Systems engineering involves elements of model-based systems engineering; digital thread; requirements generation, flowdown, tracking, needs analysis, and validation/verification; integration and test; and full life cycle support of the target system.
Dr. W. Dale Blair, a Principal Research Engineering with the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), was recently appointed to serve as the founding Editor-in-chief (EIC) for the new IEEE Open Journal of Systems Engineering (OJSE). Dr. Blair is an IEEE Fellow and the 2001 recipient of the IEEE Fred Nathanson Award for Outstanding Young Radar Engineer for advancement of multitarget-multisensor tracking and radar resource allocation. Dr. Blair’s publications include coeditor and coauthor of Multitarget-Multisensor Tracking: Applications and Advances III (ARTECH House, 2000); two chapters in Principles of Modern Radar: Vol I (SciTech Publishing, 2010); a chapter in Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering Applications (Wiley, 2015); 34 refereed journal articles, more than 50 refereed conference papers; and more than 150 other technical papers and reports. His editorial accomplishments include Editor for Radar Systems of the IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (T-AES), 1996-1999; Editor-In-Chief (EIC) of the T-AES, 1999-2005; and founding EIC for the Journal for Advances in Information Fusion, Fusion, 2005-2013
The V model illustrates this systems engineering process. OJSE deals primarily with the science, methodology, and tools of systems engineering, rather than the results of the application of systems engineering that is the focus of other IEEE journals.
Submission Information
OJSE seeks scholarly papers that report original research on the methodologies, tools, principles, and applied engineering aspects of the process of systems engineering for complex systems. OJSE also seeks proposals for special issues. Details for proposing a special issue are available at Manuscripts are submitted at The publication cost of Open Access articles are paid by the authors. For 2023, publication costs are projected to be $975 (USD) for a ten-page manuscript.
Questions concerning OJSE are directed to the EiC, W. Dale Blair, at (Click to show email). Journal website: