Call for Distinguished Lecturers
The AESS fields of interest include the organization, systems engineering, design, development, integration, and operation of complex systems for space, air, ocean, or ground environments. These systems include many of those represented on the AESS technical operations panels: navigation, avionics, radar, cyber security, and other interests including fusion.
The next two-year term for the Lecturers will be from 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2024. Distinguished Lecturers are expected to give a minimum of two lectures per year as part of their commitment to serve, including at least one virtual or recorded webinar.
Candidates for AESS Distinguished Lecturer (DL) must be a Senior Member or Fellow and may be nominated by any current IEEE AESS member. (No self-nominations.) Please use the IEEE AESS Distinguished Lecturer Nomination Form which should provide a suitable biography, picture, and 1-3 topics that the candidate would be well qualified to speak on as a DL.
The selection of Distinguished Lectures will be made by the Distinguished Lecturer Committee. Please fill out the online nomination form by 1 December 2022. Self-nominations are permitted.
Please email any questions to (Click to show email).