James Howard
United States of America

James Howard

Life Span
Lakeland Electric

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Life Span

James M. Howard is currently Director-Electric System Compliance & Security with Lakeland Electric, a municipal electric company in Lakeland, Florida, where he has worked for over ten years. He is responsible for assuring that Lakeland Electric adheres to, and meets compliance with all North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved Reliability Standards. He joined Lakeland Electric after spending almost 24 years with Tampa Electric Company. Mr. Howard is a member of the Power Engineering, Aerospace Electronic Systems, and the Industry Applications Societies. IEEE Activities – (S’81-M’85-SM’91) OFFICES: IEEE Board of Directors 2002-03 & 2012. COMMITTEES/BOARDS: IEEE-USA Board of Directors, 2005-13; Audit Committee, Chair, 2003, 2002-04; IEEE N&A Committee, 2004-05; RAB N&A Committee, 2004-05; IEEE Membership Development, Chair, 1998-99; Regional Activities Board, Membership Activities, Vice Chair, 1998-99. REGIONS: Region 3: Director 2002-2003; SPAC Chair, 2005-11; Strategic Planning Committee, 2005-13; Section’s Congress Coordinator, 2008; Area 4 (Florida Council) Representative, 1993-94; Membership Development, Chair, 1996-97; Conference Committee, Chair, 1998-99. SECTIONS/COUNCILS: Florida West Coast: Chair, 1991-93; Vice Chair, 1990-91; Membership Development, Chair, 1994-98 & 2012-13; Student Branch Mentor, 1997-2013; PE/IA Chapter, Chair, 1990-91; Vice Chair, 1989 & 2010-13; Secretary/Treasurer, 1988; Florida Council: Chair, 1993-94; Vice Chair, 1992; Junior Past Chair, 1995; Membership Development, Chair, 1994-13. SOCIETIES: AESS Vice-President Member Affairs, 2005-12; N&A Member 2012; Power Engineering: Membership & Chapters, Vice President, 1997-98; Chapters Council, Chair, 1996; Membership Development, Chair, 1995; Membership Statistics Sub-Committee, Chair, 1994; Meetings Department, Secretary, 1994-98; Chapters Congress, Speaker, 1995; Distribution Design Committee, 1997-99. CONFERENCES: PES General Meeting Chair, 2007; IAS Annual Meeting Vice-Chair, 2006; Sections Congress’05, Steering Committee, Chair, 2003-04; Industrial & Commercial Power Systems (I&CPS), Vice-Chair, 2004; I&CPS Publications, Chair, 1993; I&CPS Vice Chair, 2000; Region 3 SoutheastCon, Chair, 1996; Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, General Chair, 1998; Southcon, Director, 1995-99, 2004-13; Southcon Treasurer, 1998; Sections Congress '96, Speaker. AWARDS: Region 3 Outstanding Service, 1996; Florida Council Outstanding Service, 1995; Power Engineering Society Chapters Council, 1998; FWCS PES Chapter Outstanding Engineer, 2000; Region 3 Director’s Award - Section’s Congress, 2005; Florida Council Outstanding Engineer Award, 2006; Florida West Coast Section Engineer of the Year, 2006. IEEE Accomplishments – Key accomplishments within IEEE include: • Serving as Vice-President of Member Services for AESS • Serving on the IEEE-USA Board 10 years (2 years as a Director, 2 years as Member-At-Large, 3 years as Secretary-Treasurer, and one year each as President-Elect (2011), President (2012, and Past-President (2013). • Chairing Sections Congress 2005 • Chairing the IEEE Audit Committee • Serving as Vice-President of Membership and Chapters for IEEE Power Engineering Society • Chairing the IEEE Membership Development Committee helping increase Senior Membership and begin the Senior Member Plaque program. • Serving as Vice-Chair Member Activities for the Regional Activities Board (RAB) • Receiving numerous Awards from various levels of the IEEE (see above awards listing) • Chairing the Florida West Coast Section (FWCS), the FWCS Power Engineering Chapter, and the Florida Council.

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