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Submit a Nomination for the IEEE AESS Robert T. Hill Best Dissertation Award

The deadline to submit is October 31
6 months 3 weeks ago
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The IEEE AESS Robert T. Hill Best Dissertation Award recognizes candidates who have recently received a Ph.D. degree and have written an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation in the Field of Interest of the Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society. Its purpose is to grant international recognition for the most outstanding Ph.D. dissertation by an AESS member.

$1,000 USD honorarium and a plaque.
In the case of financial hardship, up to $1,500 in travel expenses can be authorized by the AES Society President for the recipient to attend the selected IEEE/AESS conference’s award ceremony.

Must be a graduate of an accredited university which requires a dissertation to receive a Ph.D. degree. 
Must be an AESS member or student member in good standing at the time of nomination. 
Preferentially, the nominee should have been awarded the Ph.D. degree in the last 24 months prior to the nomination. 
The Ph.D. dissertation has to be deemed to have made a particularly noteworthy contribution in the AESS Field of Interest. 
The dissertation must be written in English. Translation from another language to English is allowed.

Submission Deadline
October 31

Submit a Nomination