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2022 AESS Award Recipients

Congratulations to all award recipients!
2 years 4 months ago
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Congratulations to all Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Award Recipients on these remarkable achievements. Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and contributions to the AESS community!

2022 IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal

Moeness G. Amin - for contributions to radar signal processing across a wide range of applications including through-the-wall imaging and health monitoring

2022 Fellows

As it stands today, the IEEE Grade of Fellow is conferred by the Board of Directors upon a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. Congratulations to the AESS members that were elevated to IEEE Fellow in 2022!

Maruthi Akella - for contributions to spacecraft control systems
Chee-Yee Chong - for contributions to information fusion methods for multi-sensor tracking
Jerald Nespor - for contributions Digital AESA Radar Systems
Daniel Tazartes - for contributions to inertial sensors and navigation systems
Frank van Diggelen - for contributions to assisted global navigation satellite systems for consumer applications

2021 IEEE AESS Pioneer Award

Pramod K Varshney - for contributions to signal processing and information fusion enabling advanced aerospace and electronic systems

2022 IEEE AESS Judith A. Resnik Space Award

Erik P. Blasch - for leadership advancements in data analytics supporting space domain awareness and satellite avionics

2022 Warren D. White Award

Fulvio Gini - for Contributions to Radar Signal Processing and Radar Clutter Modelling and Analysis

2021 IEEE AESS Organizational Leadership Award

Giuseppe A. Fabrizio - For innovation within IEEE Education, Short Courses, Awards and Mentoring Processes

2022 Fred Nathanson Memorial Radar Award

Augusto Aubry - for outstanding contributions to the application of modern optimization theory to radar waveform design and adaptive signal processing

2021 IEEE AESS Early Career Award

Domenico Ciuonzo - for contributions to decentralized inference and sensor fusion in networked sensor systems

2021 IEEE AESS Robert T. Hill Best Dissertation Award

Joe Khalife – for Ph.D. Dissertation, “Precise Navigation with Cellular Signals: Receiver Design, Differential and Non-Differential Frameworks, and Performance Analysis”

2022 IEEE Michael C. Wicks Radar Student Travel Grant

Marco Di Seglio – for the paper entitled “Reducing the Computational Complexity of WiFi-Based Passive Radar Processing”

Karol Abratkiewicz – for the paper entitled “Radar Pulse Signal Filtering Using Vertical Synchrosqueezing”

Marcel Hoffman – for the paper entitled “Filter-Based Segmentation of Automotive SAR Images”

2021 IEEE AESS Technical Panel of the Year Award

Glue Technologies for Space Systems - The Technical Panel chaired by Claudio Sacchi (University of Trento, Italy) has been awarded for the second consecutive year as "AESS Technical Panel of the Year". The Panel Chair wishes to share this award with all the members that contributed to such an outstanding achievement.

AESS Chapter of the Year Award

Binghamton Section Joint Chapter

2022 IEEE AESS Industrial Innovation Award

Azad M. Madni - For pioneering innovations in simulation-based training, intelligent decision aiding, and intelligent-process management

2022 IEEE AESS Engineering Scholarship

Merek Pipes - Union College

Harold Hancock - University of Southampton

2020 Harry Rowe Mimno Award

State Estimation Methods in Navigation: Overview and Application
Jindřich Dunik, Sanat K. Biswas, Andrew Dempster, Thomas Pany, Pau Closas

2018 M. Barry Carlton Award
A New Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter for Cooperative Localization
Yulong Huang, Yonggang Zhang, Bo Xu, Zhemin Wu, Jonathon Chambers

2021 Certificate of Merit for Exceptional Service

Fabiola Colone - for her years of outstanding service as the VP Member Services; as EiC of the Quarterly Email Blast; her work with the Professional Networking and Mentoring Program; and her leadership on many activities and initiatives during her tenure on the AESS Board of Governors

Peter Willett - for his years of service as the EiC for the AESS Systems Magazine