Letter from the TAES Editor
Letter from the Editor-in-Chief, Michael Rice
In November, we received a report from IEEE Technical Activities analyzing the performance of all of IEEE’s journals and transactions. Of the metrics used to quantify a journal’s “performance”, two important ones are (1) the average time from submission to first decision, and (2) the average time from submission to online post. The journals whose performance was in the top 25% for the two measures simultaneously. were designated “first quartile” journals. We are pleased to report that IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems is a first-quartile journal. This achievement is a direct result of the hard work and dedicated effort by our associate editors. We have made these measures point of emphasis over the past five years. (See Michael Rice, “IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems: A Success Story”, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 49-52, May 2022.) It is rewarding to see all the hard work pay off. Next time you talk to an editor, please offer a “thank you” for his or her time and effort.