Cyber Attacks on Internet of Things Sensor Systems for Inference
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The Internet of Things (IoT) improves pervasive sensing and control capabilities via the aid of modern digital communication, signal processing and massive deployment of sensors. The employment of low-cost and spatially distributed IoT sensor nodes with limited hardware and battery power, along with the low required latency to avoid unstable control loops, presents severe security challenges. Attackers can modify the data entering or communicated from the IoT sensors which can have serious impact on any algorithm using this data for inference. In this talk we describe how to provide tight bounds (with sufficient data) on the performance of the best algorithms trying to estimate a parameter from the attacked data and communications under any assumed statistical model describing how the sensor data depends on the parameter before attack. The results hold regardless of the estimation algorithm adopted which could employ deep learning, machine learning, statistical signal processing or any other approach. Example algorithms that achieve performance close to these bounds are illustrated. Attacks that make the attacked data useless for reducing these bounds are also described. These attacks provide a guaranteed attack performance in terms of the bounds regardless of the algorithms the estimation system employs. References are supplied which provide various extensions to all the specific results presented.