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Call for Nominations: AESS Board of Governors

Nominations for the AESS BoG 2026-2028 are due 28 February
2 months 1 week ago
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Nominations for the AESS Board of Governors for the 2026-2027 term opens January 3, 2025. The deadline to submit nominations is February 28, 2025.

Nomination Form

AESS Board of Governors Member-at-Large Position Description

Conditions of Eligibility:

  1. IEEE Member, Senior Member, or Fellow grade in good standing
  2. IEEE AES Society member

Selection and Term of Office:

  1. Nominations will be solicited in a Call for Nominations on January 1 of each year for the term beginning January 1 of the following year. 
  2. The slate of candidates will be put forth by the Nominations and Appointments Committee to be voted on by the AESS Membership, choosing 6 candidates. Following the election, 2 additional candidates will be appointed by the AESS Board of Governors, for a total of 8 new board members per year, to begin serving on January 1 of the following year.
  3. The term of office is 3 years. Only two consecutive full terms of membership are permitted, but eligibility is restored after a lapse of one year.

Requirements of Role:

  1. Serve as a voting member of the AESS Board of Governors.
  2. Serve on one or more AESS Standing Committees.
  3. Serve on ad hoc Committees as needed.
  4. Be willing to stand for office if nominated and serve if elected.
  5. Participate and engage in multiple AESS activities and initiatives.  (local chapters, technical panels, publications, conferences, education, mentoring, standards development, awards, etc.)
  6. Report activities at each AESS BoG meeting as necessary.
  7. Write articles for the AESS QEB or Systems Magazine as necessary.
  8. Actively advocates for AESS membership.

Expected Meeting attendance:

  1. 1Attend two IEEE AESS BoG meetings during the year, one in the spring and one in the fall. (Travel expenses are reimbursable according to IEEE policies and guidelines.)
  2. Participate in online meetings and teleconferences, as needed.

Desirable Characteristics:
The ideal Member-at-Large candidate should possess some or all these desirable characteristics.  Nominators should consider whether candidates display or have the potential to develop these traits.  We are seeking actively engaged BoG members.
Focused and committed 

  1. Fully supports the mission and vision of AESS.
  2. Persistent, does not let obstacles hinder efforts, and can persevere through difficult times.
  3. Has physical and emotional stamina to tolerate long days of travel and meetings.

Enthusiastic and capable

  1. Willing to prepare for and participate in every BoG meeting.
  2. Eager to serve on and contribute to committees and is accountable for assignments.
  3. Takes fiduciary duties seriously.
    1. Duty of care – Participates actively as outlined herein.
    2. Duty of loyalty – Puts AESS interests ahead of their own; disclose conflicts-of interest.
    3. Duty of obedience – Ensures that AESS abides by its constitution and by-laws Responsible to IEEE for all applicable policies and practices.

Intellectually curious, demonstrated life-long habits of learning

  1. Strives to continuously learn and improve as much as possible.
  2. Agile, innovative, forward-thinking and able to embrace change.
  3. Thoughtful, can deal with complex issues, sift through alternatives, deliberate, and arrive at sound decisions.

Collegial, collaborative and open-minded

  1. Supportive and respectful of others.
  2. Available, approachable, and interested in enhancing and nurturing relationships.
  3. Able to listen, deals well with conflict, but willing to express own opinion.
  4.  Selfless; more focused on what they can “give” rather than what they might “get” from AESS.

Download AESS BoG Job Description

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