Queensland Chapter Events
3D Radar Imaging of Non-Cooperative Targets -
Prof. Marco Martorella, from the University of Pisa, presented a seminar entitled "3D Radar Imaging of Non-Cooperative Targets".
Date: 28 Jul 2022
Time: 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM (UTC+10:00) Brisbane
A long spell without face-to-face meetings—COVID of course the culprit—came to an end on Thursday, 28th July, when the AES Queensland chapter was delighted to host a seminar by Prof. Marco Martorella of the University of Pisa. Marco is a frequent visitor to Australia (married to a Queenslander!) but he too has been absent these past few years. The title of the talk was “3D Radar Imaging of Non-Cooperative Targets”. It was well received, with a lively Q&A session following the talk. After a long break, it was pleasing to see there was pent-up demand for this type of event. There were 24 attendees, who tarried afterwards at a networking event co-sponsored by IEEE Queensland Section, Whipbird Signals Pty. Ltd. and naturally AES. Thanks go to Marco for agreeing to give his time generously once more and to QUT for continuing to support the community by making available one of their best-appointed function spaces for IEEE’s use.