Frank Reyes
Frank Reyes
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IEEE Participation VP Finance I&M Society 2007, 2008 Treasurer I&M Society 2009 through 2012 VP Finance AESS 2008, 2009 Secretary AESS 2011, 2012 Board of Directors Autotestcon 2005 through 2012 Board of Directors I2MTC Registration Chairman Autotestcon 1991,1994, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012 Professional Organizations IEEE I&M Society AESS Optical Society of America Education 1961 BSEE UCLA Major in Electronics 1962 - 1980 Post-Graduate courses in Engineering. UCLA and UC Irvine 1981 - 1987 Courses in Management. UCLA, UCI and Northrop In-house courses. 1973 – Certificate in Computer Science Program, UCI 1983 - Engineering Management Program, California Institute of Technology Work History 1961 – 1963 Northrop Electro-Mechanical Division, Anaheim CA Circuit Design Engineer working on development of automatic test systems for the U.S. Navy 1963 – 1967 Hughes Aircraft, Fullerton CA Design Engineer worked on development of Radar Display Systems. Major projects included development of Radar Azimuth Converter console and Video Switchboard console 1968 – 1990 Northrop Electro-Mechanical Division, Anaheim CA Design Engineer 1968 - 1983 Design and development of factory test equipment for all development, R&D, and production deliverable products. Included development of ATE Test Programs, test procedures and factory test support. Design and development of Ground Support Equipment for deliverable products. Primary deliverable products included Automatic Test Systems for the US Navy and Electro-Optical systems for all U.S. service branches. ATE programs included Test and Evaluation Monitoring System (TEAMS), Missile Test and Readiness System (MTRE) and Shorebased Automatic Test Equipment (SACE). Electro- Optic programs included Target Identification System (TISEO) for the F-4, Television Site Unit (TVSU) for the F-14, Laser Target Designation System (LTDS) for the F-5, SEEHAWK infrared system for the Coast Guard, and Target Acquisition/Designation System (TADS/PNVS) for the Apache Helicopter. Engineering Management 1983- 1990 First level manager responsible for development of all in house factory test equipment, ground support equipment, test procedures, and factory test support Second level manager, responsible for development of factory test equipment, including electronic design, software design, mechanical design and test procedures. Responsible for test plans, test procedures, and test conduction of environmental tests of deliverable products for the DivisionThird level manager, responsible for all test functions at the Division. Included all duties described under Second level manager description. Also included responsibility for Engineering Development Laboratory which produced and tested development prototypes, field-testing, and Helicopter Operations (modification of US Army helicopters for installation of test prototypes and flight testing). Responsible manager for development of Electro-Optic Test Console subsystem for the CASS program. This console was the first production test system developed to automate laser, infrared, and optical system testing. Console now also integrated with IFTE. 1990 - 1993 Northrop Electronics Division, Hawthorne CA Engineering Management Responsible for incorporating design changes for production phase of the CASS Electro-Optic Console production units and development of factory test equipment, maintenance of PEACEKEEPER guidance unit TPSs, test equipment for B-2 subassembly, and production test support for all elecro-optic programs. Developed factory test plans for Special Access program.
- 2014-2016 Board of Governor Member-at-Large (BoG)
- 2008-2009 Vice President Finance (Officers)
- 2008-2009 Vice President Finance (Finance Committee)
It is with great sadness and sorrow that we inform you of the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Mr. Frank Reyes. Frank was a long-time supporter of the Instrumentation and Measurement (I&M) Society and selflessly gave his time and expertise by being a wonderful and effective volunteer serving in several capacities. In addition, Frank was also actively involved with the Aerospace and Electronic System (AES) Society, AUTOTESTCON and Systems Council.
Read In Memoriam in IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine