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Dr. Haiying Liu received his PhD’s degree in Computer Vision from University of Maryland at College Park. He is an active researcher in the field of computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition.
Dr. Liu is currently a principal scientist at DRS Technologies. He leads/involves in various projects including situation awareness, threat detection and tracking, driver’s vision enhancer, image enhancement and fusion, etc.
Prior to the opportunity in DRS Technologies, he worked as a principal research scientist for ObjectVideo, Inc., the world's leading provider of intelligent video software for security, public safety, business intelligence, process improvement and other applications. He leads/involves in numerous projects, such as Future Navy Capabilities (FNC) project, TARDECi Mobile Information and Access‐Control System (MIDAS) project, Congress Mast Mount (CMM) project, Lockheed Martin New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) crowd control project, GE fraudulence detection project, Port of Huston Authority (POHA) project, ONRii Video Surveillance at Night (VSAN) project, DARPAiii Automatic Threat Understanding (ATU) project, Cross camera tracking project, and so on.
Dr. Liu holds several patents (some awarded and many pending) in the area of surveillance system. He has many publications in IEEE transactions, Journals, and international conferences. He has also been serving as a paper reviewer for many publications. i TARDEC: Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center
ii ONR: Office of Naval Research
iii DARPA: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
- 2023-2024 Associate Editor (Systems Magazine Editorial Board)