Joseph R. Guerci
Joseph R. Guerci
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Dr. Guerci has over 25 years of experience in advanced technology research and development in government, industrial, and academic settings. His government service included a recent 7 year term with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in which he held the positions of Program Manager, Deputy Office Director, and finally Office Director of the Special Projects Office (SPO). In these capacities, Dr. Guerci was involved in the inception, research, development, execution, and ultimately transition of next generation multidisciplinary defense technologies.
Dr. Guerci is a recognized leader in the research and development of next generation sensor systems and adaptive signal processing. In particular, he has pioneered several major radar technologies including robust and knowledge-aided space-time adaptive processing (STAP), and optimal and adaptive MIMO radar and waveform design. In addition to authoring over 100 peer reviewed articles, he has several book chapters and is the author of Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Radar (Artech House, 2003), and the forthcoming Cognitive Radar: The Knowledge-Aided Fully Adaptive Approach, (Artech House, 2010). Dr. Guerci also recently received the 2007 IEEE Warren D. White Award for “Excellence in Radar Adaptive Processing and Waveform Diversity”.
A graduate of Polytechnic University with a PhDEE (System Engineering), Dr. Guerci has held adjunct professorships in engineering and applied mathematics at The City University of New York, Polytechnic University, The Cooper Union for Advancement of Art and Science, and Virginia Tech. Additionally, he has held senior engineer and scientist positions in industry and was recently Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for SAIC’s Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) Group. A member of the IEEE Radar Systems panel, he is also a Fellow of the IEEE for “Contributions to Advanced Radar Theory and its Embodiment in Real-World Systems”, holds eight US Patents and is a member of several industrial, academic and government advisory boards.