Paul Antonik

Paul Antonik

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Dr. Paul Antonik, a member of the Scientific and Professional Cadre of Senior Executives, is the Chief Scientist, Information Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, N.Y. The Information Directorate leads the discovery, development and integration of affordable warfighting information technologies for air, space and cyberspace forces. It consists of more than 800 military and civilian scientists, engineers, and administrative and support personnel pursuing a wide variety of research and development projects with an annual budget of more than $1 billion. Dr. Antonik serves as the directorate's principal scientific and technical adviser and primary authority for the technical content of the science and technology portfolio. He provides principal technical oversight of a broad spectrum of information technologies.
Dr. Antonik began his career with the Air Force in 1978 when he joined the Rome Air Development Center, where he advanced as an electronics engineer from grade GS-7 to grade GS-12. In 1983, he transitioned to the private sector, where he served as a systems engineer and designed, developed and evaluated a wide variety of sensor systems, waveforms and signal processing techniques. In 1998, he returned to government service, joining the Air Force Research Laboratory, Sensors Directorate, where he developed waveform diversity and knowledge-aided signal processing techniques. In 2009, Dr. Antonik joined the Information Directorate to become Technical Adviser of the Advanced Computing Division. He later became Technical Adviser to the Computing and Communications Division. Dr. Antonik entered the senior executive service in 2012 as the Air Force Senior Scientist for Connectivity and Dissemination. Dr. Antonik holds 4 U.S. patents, and has authored or co-authored more than 55 journal, conference and technical papers and reports. Additionally, Dr. Antonik participates in several national and international panels, committees, and working groups. He is also a licensed Professional Engineer.

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