Sumit Roy
Sumit Roy
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Sumit Roy has been a faculty member in Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Washington since 1998, where he is presently CoE/ECE Integrated Systems Professor and directs Fundamentals of Networking lab. His research spans the gamut wireless communication and sensor network systems with a diverse emphasis: 4G and emerging 5G technologies, multi-standard wireless inter-networking and spectrum coexistence using cognitive radio platforms, terrestrial vehicular, aerial and underwater networks. He spent 2001-03 on academic leave at Intel Wireless Technology Lab as a Senior Researcher/Standards Architect engaged in systems architecture and standards development for ultra-wideband systems (Wireless PANs) and next generation high-speed wireless LANs (802.11n). His activities for the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) include membership of several technical and conference program committees, notably the Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks. He was elevated to IEEE Fellow by ComSoc in 2007 for “contributions to multi-user communications theory and cross-layer design of wireless networking standards,” served two stints as ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer (2014-15, 17-18) and is a frequent invited speaker @ various 5G forums such as IEEE 5G Summit Seattle and IEEE 5G Summit Shanghai.